To say happy birthday to a Lebanese girl, you would say "kull sana wa inta tayyib." This varies slightly from standard Arabic.
Happy Birthday and best wishes!
In Arabic, you say "عيد ميلاد سعيد" (pronounced: 'eid milad saeid') to wish someone a happy birthday.
To Liam happy birthday from Johnny : ela Liam, Eid Melad Saed, mn Johnny. ( in Arabic ). and it is written this way : إلى ليام, عيد ميلاد سعيد, من جوني
How to say happy birthday in tibetan
Happy Early Birthday! Or..... If there birthday is in a week, you could say.... Happy "ONE WEEK" before your birthday!
happy birthday
Happy birthday to ______ Happy birthday to you!
How do you say Happy Birthday in haida language
Belize's official language is English, so you don't say it any different than how you normally say it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
happy birthday