No. Convicted felons are federally barred from owning or possessing a firearm. You may be eligible for expungement to restore your gun rights but you will need a lawyer.
Start by hiring an attorney to file a petition for restoration of rights.
Felons cannot own or possess firearms in any state unless the felon's rights have been resotred.
You have to check with an attorney in your area that handles that.
94.6 +567=fish
A felon cannot own or possess a firearm anywhere in the U.S. unless the felons rights have been restored.
This is going to depend on your state laws. In times past, felons never did get their voting rights back.
The short answer is that there is a mechanism for this, but it gets no funding... thus, it doesn't happen.
If you are a federally convicted felon there is no way. No mechanism exists to restore firearm rights to convicted federal felons.If you are state convicted - it depends entirely on which state you live in and/or which state convicted you. SOME states will restore limited firearm rights - others will not restore them at all.Your best course of action is contact an attorney in your state for consultation.
Yes, there apparently IS a process to restore gun rights to SOME convicted felons. You will have to contact local authorities for more information.
Very generally speaking, in the U.S. a felon cannot own or posses a firearm unless his or her rights have been restored.