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it will depend on the girl and on the conversations that you had with her and the approach that she takes . if its direct be cautious and find out whether its the truth and then say your word . but if the approach is romantic or she is shy to ask and if u know about her , why not say yes

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11mo ago

You can respond with a simple "Thank you" or express your feelings by saying "I care about you too." If you're not ready to say "I love you" back, it's important to be honest and communicate openly about your feelings.

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13y ago

DON'T! Never say it for the first time in text message form! Always say it face to face. If you say it to them in person it's much more special, it's something the two of you will never forget, if you say it over text it's to impersonal they may say "I love you to" but only say it because they feel they have to. By saying it in person you can read their body language and tell if they actually mean it. If you have already said it in person, then whenever is fine, but always say it in person first!

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Q: How do you respond if a girl says i love you on text?
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If a girl says i love you in a text does it mean you can say it on the phone?

yah of course !

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If the girl says "I love you" then she loves you.. If she already said "I love you" then you know that she really does love you if she tries to talk to you daily... (via text, call, email, in person)

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Wait 1 week. Text the girl and say "HO" as soon as you send it send another text that says "Did I just send you a text that says HO?" When she Text back and says "Yeah". say "Good"

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Tell her you'll text her when you get less busy. Do it politely.

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If she agreed to go on a date with you, then she probaley likes you. Even if she dosnt respond to your texts. Maybe she lost or phone or her battery died... She might be really nervous to talk to you. Their is many reasonable answers.

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you move on because she is obviously not that into you.

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There could be many reasons that a girl may not text someone back, even if they ask the person to text them. The girl may not be that into the person, or they may have been busy and have not had time to text the person back.

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No need to worry that's just her text style.

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girls use X's and 'I luv u' to everyone.