Contact the Office of Constituent Services. 334/242-7100. Really nice folks. Remember to contact the office at least 6-8 weeks in advance. While you have them on the line, ask about forwarding the same request to the White House Office of Greetings. You will be so very glad that you did!
You say the following: "Please, Swartznegger, please!"
The Californian Governor decided to return to California's traditional Native American roots. To request a birthday greeting now you have to make a paste of your own urine and the blood of virgin chickens, daub your hand in it and slap his bare behind repeatedly until his fragile mind snaps and he starts wishing everyone a happy birthday and a merry new Easter.
you call them!
How does one request clemency from the state Governor?
How does one request clemency from the state Governor?
You would have to contact the Alabama Department of Corrections and request it, likely through a Freedom of Information Act request.
State Governor
by saying thank you
Governor of the affected State