The only way you can share a iFunny picture from their site is by liking it on Facebook or sharing it on Twitter (both buttons are below each photo). Another way to share or repost iFunny pictures is to follow their Tumblr tag and repost from there.
absolutely not
You can do an image search to find pictures of him. You can go to and type "pictures of luke benward'' and they have awesome pictures of him
Sony Pictures IS Columbia Pictures. So in answer to your question; the answer is ; YES
pictures speak a thousand words, pictures can relate to pictures easier.
Yes, TriStar Pictures can be owned by Walt Disney Pictures , by Walt Disney Animation Studios, and by DisneyNature.
Find the picture you like. Crop out the previous caption. Save the picture. Then post it onto ifunny with your own caption
You do it with a stamp
Well, first you save the picture with the save icon. Then, you go to create a (poster, etc). Finally, you publish it.
most likely the app ifunny. it has funny pictures that you can comment on.
You can screenshot a picture. That you will find in your image gallery, you can then crop and post as normal. Or You can download a app which lets you repost the pictures you want to. One problem with this is that it will say instarepost at the bottom of the pictures you repost The app's name is insta repost.
. Okay so in order to post pics after you have said you don't want them to access your photos, you have to go to your setting. The one on YOUR computer/device. Then, you go four underneath the "general" setting to "privacy". Then you click on photos AFTER you got to privacy settings, and then if you have the ifunny app you will see it under photos and it will say "off" and you click on it to turn it on and then your good :) P.s. this is for the ifunny app
There are more than one billion iFunny users. Most Smartphone users are iFunny users.
You can't. iFunny requires a facebook login in no other means is available at the current version of iFunny.
absolutely not
To get to ifunny collective you need to go on a ipod, ipad or any apple device also, you need to have the app of ifunny to go on collective not just safari. If you go on safari you only get featured and popular.