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Well, isn't that a happy little question! To report a problem to Facebook, you can go to the Help Center and look for the issue you're experiencing. They have a dedicated section for reporting different types of problems. Remember, there are always kind helpers ready to assist you on your journey to resolving any issues you may encounter.

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14y ago

There is a option help in facebook. read it and you will find they way how to contact with facebook support.

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Q: How do you report a problem to Facebook?
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How can I send a problem to the editors of facebook?

Login and use "Help Centre" where you can report the issue.

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it depends if you know who hacked it then report them on facebook. if you dont you should also reprt the problem on facebook

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Press Report on their Profile

When you report abuse on Facebook what does Facebook do?

It takes note of it.

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no there is no problem right now with facebook. I have no problem to signin my account on facebook.

Does Facebook have a report abuse button?

yes facebook does have a report abuse button if you don't believe me check for your self

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If your Facebook profile gets hacked ask your 10 friends to report it. Once the reporting is done Facebook reviews the report and suspend the profile from their database.

When you report underage children on Facebook. Does Facebook keep your name private or do they tell that person who reported them?

No it does not. The only person who knows who reported them is you and the Facebook employee who is revewing the report.

How do you report someone on facebook mobile?

You may report someone on facebook mobile by clicking the report button. You may also do this on a computer, but it is also possible to do this on the mobile version. You may follow the link -

Will people be notified if you report them on facebook?


How do you report someone on Facebook?

Goto there profile and hit report user

What does report this person mean on Facebook?

It means: That you are giving a chance for them to lose their Facebook