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How do you reply to an awkward message. Easy. Just change the topic. For instance: I lov u <3 <3. You don't like the person so you reply with: Did u send tht to the wrong person? And they reply with: Umm No. Then you reply with: .... (silence) *speachless*

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Can you reply to someones tweet?

Yes. Hover over the tweet and the 'reply' button will appear for you to click on. Alternatively, you can just type their username (@username) before your message as the reply button just puts the username into the message automatically for you.

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You don't. If she doesn't want to talk to you, she doesn't have to. You shouldn't force people to your will. You can make the attempt to message her, but it is up to her if she wants to reply.

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In plain English, it is an automated response. It is the same thing you get when you reply to a noreply email.

What does reply path mean in relation to sending a text message?

Ah, a reply path is like a little trail that helps your message find its way back to you. It's the special route that allows someone to respond directly to the text message you sent them. Just imagine it as a friendly path that keeps the conversation flowing smoothly between you and your friend.