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Z Rizdvom
How to replay to being wished a merry Christmas depends on the persons beliefs. A typically good reply is to wish them a merry Christmas too.
According to Google translation, it is something like: Merry Christmas.
"Kristos Razdayetsya," which means "Christ is born." I believe there are other less formal ways to say it, but this is the one I grew up with."Merry Christmas" in Ukrainian will be "z Rizdvom Khrystovym" - "З Різдвом Христовим." Keep in mind that the majority of the Ukraine speaks Russian, except West regions, so in Russian, Merry Christmas is "S Rozhdestvom Khristovym" - "С Рождеством Христовьім."
Христос родився (Khrystos rodyvsa) Answer: Славімо його (Slavimo Yoho)
Just as in your question !They tend to say "Happy Christmas" instead of "Merry".Merry Christmas
Merry Merry Merry Frickin' Christmas was created in 2004.
Ukrainian Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. Most of the festivities occur on the 6th, which is Christmas eve.
merry Christmas= Christmas aashamsakal
merry christmas
"Merry Christmas"
merry christmas