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Please see a Personnel Associate at the store you worked for (or currently work for) or a member of management.

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Q: How do you renew your long term associate discount card from walmart?
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Can the Walmart employee discount card be used on a Walmart online purchases?

Yep! Register your discount card to your account at the very bottom of where it says "Associate Discount."

How do you apply for a lifetime associate discount card from walmart i have worked for the company for 16 years now and just turned 55?

20 years of service. Uses to get you a card for a lifetime. I hope it still does

How do you replace my Walmart discount card?

How do i replace my walmart discount card online .

Can you use your sams card to receive discount gas from walmart?

No, you only get the discount with a Walmart gift card.

Can a walmart associates discount card be used to buy a straight talk phone card?

Yes, as an associate I've seen other associates buy cards and receive a discount, I didn't think to look at how much (if it discounted the fee as well)

How long do you work for walmart before having a permanent discount card?

You should get your permanent discount card with your first paycheck if you work at Walmart.

Can you use a regular Discover card or do you have to use a Walmart Discover card to get 3 cents off for gas?

Walmart Discover Card -- it is a discount for individuals that have a Walmart card not a discount for having a Discover card. Kinda like Chase Cards -- depending on which one you have depends on what you can accumulate points to.

What is long term walmart discount card?

It is a lifetime discount card for former employees that were employed with the company for a long time.

Why are you not able to use your Walmart discount card from a US Walmart in a Mexican Walmart store?

The us walmart discount card its only for us walmarts under the 52 states n province. Mexico has nothing to do with the US per say. It has its own president and so far.

How can you get a new wal mart employee discount card?

The discount card i have comes up deleted i still work at the Walmart in Mount prospect 1681

How to add the discount card to Walmart app?

Walmart app is very easy to use, first you need to go to TenereTeam to find yourself a Walmart discount code for the product you need to buy.

What is the kohl's employee discount?

Kohl's associates and their spouses are the ONLY ones who can use the Kohl's Employee Discount (i.e. You cannot use the discount, then have someone else pay for the transaction). You can only pay for the transaction with the Employee Discount with cash, check, or Kohl's Charge card if you have your Associate I.D. integrated with your account (for cash or check transactions, you can get the discount by having the cashier enter your Associate I.D. then have the E3 override it or print out the discount card from Associate Services via **Be VERY careful with this discount. Misuse of it is the most common and stupidest way of getting fired** Source: Kohl's P.O.S. Associate for over 10 months