See the following link:
Not recommended to disable any safety feature on a firearm.
Best left to a trained gunsmith
This is best left to a trained gunsmith.
The magazine disconnect is a factory feature of the Browning Hi-Power (P-35) pistols, both in 9mm and .40 caliber. The actual disconnect is a small plunger that sticks out into the magwell from the trigger assembly. If you want to just drop the hammer for storage, depress that plunger and the hammer will drop. If you want to remove this feature permanently, you need to disassemble the trigger completely and then assemble it without the plunger and spring.
Remove the gas system. Drift out the black cross pin out of the magazine tube. The pin is directly below the gas system through a polymer plug. The polymer plug should come out of the top of the magazine tube when you remove that pin, so be VERY careful when removing the pin. Now remove the magazine spring. On the follower end of the spring should be the plug you are wanting to remove. Remove it from the spring. And put the spring and polymer plug back in. The dished end of the polymer plug goes toward the end of the magazine tube.
remove the power chip or disconnect the battery and then disconnect it manually!!
This is usually due to the friction rings on the magazine tube set for heavy loads. They need to be adjusted for light loads. Unscrew & remove the magazine cap to remove forearm and barrel. The friction ring and bevels will be exposed. Adjust to match the diagram. Here is the Browning link below to show how they should be set depending on light or heavy loads. Recommend you print it out. You can also reduce the diagram and glue it on the inside of the forearm.
Depress magazine release
Disconnect battery. Disconnect wires from alternator. Loosen bolts and remove belt. Remove bolts holing alternator in place.
You need a gunsmith
Disconnect the battery, remove the serpentine belt and remove the bolts, disconnect the electrical connection and remove. Reverse the procedure to install.
This switch operates the Magazine cutoff. The cutoff enables the gun to open the chamber and remove the shell to insert a different shell into the chamber, but it is done while the magazine remains loaded. This way, the chamber can be emptied and the extra shells in the magazine will not automatically load. Recommend you use the link below to the Owners Manual for the A500 model. The Magazine Cutoff operations are shown on pages 29 and 30.