Will depend on the make of derringer. They are not all the same. Would suggest you find a gunsmith to do this one. It is cheaper than taking one to them AFTER you work on it.
Take it to a gunsmith. Remove cylinder - remove firing pin pin located under rear site - use finishing nail/small center punch ,place against back of firing pin and tap lightly driving pin toward "removed" cylinder
You need a gunsmith
Best left to a gunmsith.
Best left to a gunsmith
Get help from a gunsmith
Find a good gunsmith or machinist
google it.
Remove the firing pin from the rear and the locking bolt will side out the side of the bolt
This would be best left to a qualified gunsmith.
A firing pin that is mounted on/in a hammer
Remove the slide. Push firing pin forward with 1/16" pin punch & then put a 3/32" pin punch between the back end of the firing pin & the back of the slot in the slide to hold the firing pin forward. Place the end of a small straight tip screwdriver between the right side end of the safety & the interior wall of the slide. Now twist the screwdriver to move the safety out to the left side of the slide. As you do this slowly, be carefull not to let the safety plunger & spring fly away on you. Mine tends to pretty well stay in the hole & not fly out. Once you have the safety out of the slide, carefully remove the 3/32" pin punch holding the firing pin forward to allow removal of the firing pin & spring. Reverse the procedure to reinstall.
Remove the rear of the action by depressing the two buttons on each side of the action. The back and springs will all pull right out. Simply slide the cocking handle off the front of the bolt, and the entire bolt will come out of the back of the action. Remove the pin from the side of the bolt, and the firing pin will fall right out. Be careful not to lose the spring on the firing pin; they are difficult to replace.