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Easy, Unscrew the nut on the end of your gun, Remove the barrel/foregrip. You should now have just a magazine tube and the trigger/stock assembly. Take a screwdriver and slightly pry the rod out of the end of the magazine tube. (Mine just pulled out with my fiingers) nothing is holding it in. Reasemble without the limiting rod and Voila you now have a 4+1 capacity instead of 2+1

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Q: How do you remove limiter plug from a stoeger 2000?
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Remove limiter plug from a Stoeger pump shotgun?

the limiter plug is in the end of the magazine tube.just loosen end nut cap,remove barrel,pull off slide,then point towards ground,limiter plug should fall out;then reassemble without limiter!if you have problems read your manual or read online manual at !

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You take it to a Volvo Dealer and they plug in a laptop and reprogram some parameters on the ECU in the truck.

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Or remove lower radiator hose

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Remove the coil on top of the plug. There's the spark plug.

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If the spark plug is cracked and will not turn out on a 2000 Pontiac Montana, a person might have to remove the manifold to get at the plug. Removing the alternator can also help but if the plug is stuck, the manifold will have to come off to get the plug out.

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The factory plug used a 13mmThe factory plug used a 13mm

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That's right, no drain plug back there. To change the lube you need to remove the diff cover.

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Assuming you mean the engine oil drain plug, a 15mm wrench should do the job.

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The radiator drain plug on a 2000 Chevy Venture is removed by slowly turning it in a counter-clockwise direction. Care must be taken when re-installing the plug to prevent cross threading.

Where is the location of the oil drain plug on a 2000 harley Davidson electra glide classic?

The oil drain plug on a 2000 Electra glide is under the oil pan towards the front of the engine. Make sure that you remove this plug instead of the transmission drain.

How do I change the transmission fluid for a 2000 Chevy Prizm?

Remove the plug from the bottom of your 2000 Chevy transmission. Allow the transmission to completely drained out. Return the transmission plug to its original position. Fill the transmission with new fluid.