Water and aluminum foil can remove surface rust on the chrome of a gun. Steel wool can also be used to remove rust. It is advised to never use a oil to remove rust or to clean a gun.
To remove rust from rifles and shotguns, try using a commercial rust remover or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Gently scrub the affected areas with a soft-bristled brush or steel wool. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly to prevent further rusting.
Impact driver and lots of rust penetrant.
A bicycle shop that restores bicycles is a place where you can take a bike to have rust removed. Additionally, one could use lime juice and steel wool to remove rust from their bike.
When we talk about carpets then mostly this question is arises. So you can remove the old fold marks by using a hair dryer for the carpet. Don't use the heat gun. Hair dryer contains low heat as compared to the heat gun. You can also use heavy furniture and put it on the fold mark. You can also use heavy cloth iron. Heat your iron and press the carpet from the back side and after that put the towel on the front side of the carpet and press it in the direction of piles.
If it's just surface rust, a shredded up cotton t-shirt, some CLP or Rem Oil, and an old toothbrush should be all you need.
if it is a valuable shotgun you are trying to restore, use toothpaste. The abrasive material in toothpaste will be enough to remove surface rust without damaging the blue finish. If the rust is deeper, try an auto polishing compound... if it is real deep, use a 4" angle grinder. If you polish off the bluing, be sure to touch it up with cold blue or it will rust again.
Navel Jelly, available at any hardware store, or good old steel wool and elbow grease.
my grandfather died in the mid fifies i am now 53 years old and possess the 12 gauge single barrel that was once his. it is so old that the rust is almost impossible to get off. i figure the gun must be at least 80 years old!
Some cars rust faster than others. It depends on the technology used in the making of the cars. There are old cars who rust very slowly and new cars who rust very quickly.
Bernhard Rust was born on September 30, 1883 and died on May 8, 1945. Bernhard Rust would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 131 years old today.
i like to use the good old crow bar or the shot gun that always works
It doesn't mean it's a bad gun just a cheap gun. Most likely uses a lot of plastic like plastic gears. It will most likely not stand up to heavy use. It's like the old saying. You get what you pay for.