turn the rifle up side down there is a small butten in front of the trigger on the inside of the trigger guard so open the bolt half way then push that butten then pull back on the bolt and it should come right out.
It's a pump action 22 rifle.
remington 725 caliber 222 bolt action excellant condition
Model 581.
Available from the Remington Custom shop- Model 7.
it is 56 Remington rifle model
Actuate the bolt to the rear and there is a tang in front of the trigger that hangs down..Press up on this tang and pull the bolt back and it will remove it from the action.
100-300 or so
Model 14 - Condition?
A 1950's model 33 bolt action Remington 22 rifle is worth roughly $275. However, this can vary greatly depending on who purchases it, and what kind of condition it is in.