With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1900.The caliber of your rifle should read 38WCF,which means 38-40 Win.
It sounds to me that you have a Browning T-bolt rifle in 22cal that was made in the year 1969.But the serial number should read 69X then the serial number.
Please re-read the markings and repost. There is no such thing as a 22 short 410 long rifle.
Almost, the stock has to be removed to locate the serial number. With the stock removed, hold the rifle so that you can read "+ Marlin No. 18 +" behind the hammer, then tilt the rifle 90 degrees and the serial number should be on the upper tang.
read the information engraved on top or side of barrel
Could your serial number read 8E instead of B?If so your rifle was made in the year 1968.Browning did not use the prefix of the letter B ahead of its serial numbers for any rifles in 22 caliber.
serial number of amana ptac
Someone put it there to read the letters.
Go to Proofhouse.com and look at the Winchester sn data. No Proofhouse does not give serial info on the Model 1200 only the dates of manufacture from 1964 to at least 1984
There were .22 'shorts' and .22 LR (long rifle) models made. Read your barrel to determine which you have.
Best answer i can give would be to contact the rifle manufacture and give them the number they should be able to give you date of manufacture and everything else you might want to know about it.
i have anwsered a bunch of questions on this rifle please do research and read a few