if a pregnent women is having problem in offering namaaz she can offer namaaz while sitting if she cant even sit she can lay down and offer namaaz and sajdah
It matters what you mean by reading namaz with pictures. If you mean that it shows you the actions then this can be practiced buy you can't look up at the picture during namaz
ecliptic namaz is praying during??
You go to hell for 100 years if you don't read any namaz.
If a Muslim does not read Namaz then, you can not go to his/her janaza, I wouldn't go if some one die and he did not read Namaz.
yes we can
Al-Fatiha (The Opening) is amust read surah in the prayer.
Ahzam Chisti
thatevery people go read namaz and read dua
Assalam Aalaikum, Offering namaz in dirty places are not allowed but we can be offer namaz after cleaning the dirty area. For Eg: Before offering namaz one must be clean (means he/she must have gusul or wuzu) then can he/she offer namaz. So from this we can say that if one self cannot offer namaz or read quran without gusul and wuzu then how could be it is possible to offer namaz at dirty place. Thanks and regards.
yeah he always pray before a match and i have senn him read namaz
There is usually no reason not to have coitus during normal pregnancy. Read the link listed below for a lot of good information.
im sure it is ive read many posts about it