The last two digits of the code found on the bottom of the can.
For example; a code that reads S13AO2H2. The "H2" is the date.
The "H" represents the month and the "2" represents the year.
H2 would be August 2012
The letter "I' is skipped in the process. So, J=Sept, K=Oct, L=Nov, M=Dec.
I'm on the phone with the American Snuff Co. right now trying to find an answer to how to tell the date of my Grizzly Longcut Straight can of tobacco.
Look at the last 2 characters of the code on the bottom of the can. The first character of the last 2 characters should be a letter and the very last character is a number. The letter is a code for the month. A = January, B= February, C = March, D = April, E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, Then they skip I because it looks like a One (1), so J = September and so on..
The last character is a number and it is the last digit of the year. So a Zero (0) stands for 2010. A One (1) would be 2011 and so on. I hope that helps everyone out so we don't all have to call Grizzly to ask. I don't know why they just don't print the date like everyone else. Enjoy and keep on dippin'!
The same way you read any other written date
If it says b2 is it expired?
I'm sorry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding in your question. "Kayak tobacco" is a brand of smokeless tobacco, and it does not typically have an expiration date like food products. However, if there is a date on the packaging, it may indicate the date of manufacture or packaging rather than an expiration date. It's important to store smokeless tobacco in a cool, dry place to maintain its quality and flavor over time.
You don't.
banana boat sport expiration code
The expiration date is in Julian code... Google that to get your expiration date.
How do you read the expiration date code on A & W root beer? Example 12 349 1 06:47HJ12151
All those letters and numbers are encoded, but the last 2 digits are the Month and Day (i.e: xxxxxxxxxA1) 'A' is the first letter in the alphabet, so this indicates the first Month, January. The day of the Month would be the First; January First.
First day Second month last year
look at last 2 in code. 1st is a letter. a=jan b =feb and so on, skipping the letter I, the next is a digit. 0=2010 1=2011 2=2012 etc
To read the expiration dates on Timberwolf tobacco, locate the series of number and letters on the package. The first 4 numbers and letters will be the expiration date. The letter in the beginning signifies the month that it is good for and the next 3 numbers signify the date.
how to read big red Expiration Date
1. Where do you read the Julian Code on Manischewitz products? The batch code and expiration date on our products is called a Julian Code. For example, on gefilte fish, the first three numbers (in the first row of numbers and letters) tell the day of the year and go from 001 to 365 and the fourth number tells the year. If a code reads 1230 it means that the expiration date is the 123rd day of 2010 and if it reads 1231 the expiration date is 2011. The letters are related to the plant where the product was made and the last numbers are the UPC number.