The date code on Redman smokeless or chewing tobacco is written backwards. The year is written first followed by the month and day.
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Original Answer: "RJ Reynolds has an expiration date based on the Julian calendar where every day has a number from 1 to 365 respectfully January 1st being 1 and December 31st being 365. the date reads typically like: V012X23A1 all you need to look at is the 012 which is the date, in this case January 12 and the first number after the X being 2 which is the last digit for the year made. so this date would read January 12, 2012".
Please note this is not at all true.
Correct Answer: It will have a code like "FSC B6" the FSC stands for Fire Safe Cigarette which simply is the paper they use now so that a cigarette with burn out if not smoked, the B6 is the date code, B is the month with A= January thru L= Dec and the 6 is the last digit of the year, this being 2016. So it would expire February 2017 as it was made February 2016.
Newport uses BLACKORWHITE to indicate the month of production. This phrase is 12 total characters, none of which are repeated. They twelve characters represent the 12 months.
B - Jan, L - Feb, A - Mar, C - Apr, K - May, O - Jun, R - Jul, W - Aug, H - Sept, I - Oct, T - Nov, E - Dec.
There is also a 1-digit number after the month character, this indicates the year of production. For example, the number 1 would represent 2011 while the number 2 would represent 2012.
Ideally you'd have them out of direct light and have sold through them within 9-12 months.
So, in conclusion, here are some samples (posted Feb 2012).
K9 - May 2009 - Yuck!
C1 - April 2011 - Eh??
B2 - Frebruary 2012 - Yum!
RJ Reynolds cigarette date codes typically consist of a combination of letters and numbers that indicate the production date of the product. The first letter represents the month of production, with subsequent numbers indicating the year. For example, "A8" could mean January 2018. It's important to note that decoding date codes may vary depending on the specific format used by the manufacturer.
R.J. Reynolds uses a seven-character code to date its cigarette packs, with the first letter representing the month (A = January, B = February, etc.) and the next two digits representing the year. The date can usually be found on the bottom of the pack.
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To learn how to read date codes effectively, you can start by understanding the format used in date codes, such as the order of numbers and letters. Next, familiarize yourself with common date code symbols and abbreviations. Practice decoding date codes on various products to improve your skills. Additionally, refer to online resources or guides for specific industries to learn more about interpreting date codes accurately.
under the hood in the fuse compartment there.....that is linked to the port where you get your codes read from so if it isn't working you can't read a code.
It is usually mm/dd/yy
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Each canner tends to use their own system of codes. Call the manufacturer to find out.
TAke it to auto Zone They will read the codes free.
To read date codes on Green Giant food products, look for a series of numbers and letters on the packaging. The first letter represents the month (A=January, B=February, etc.), the next two digits represent the day of the month, and the following digits represent the year. For example, a date code of "C2319" would translate to March 23, 2019. It's important to note that these date codes may vary slightly depending on the specific product and packaging.
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