reactivate kobo account
I would like for you to reactivate my account, please.
It is intended to reactivate this project, which has been in abeyance for some time.
If it was deactivated due to inactivity, you can't reactivate it. You have to create a new account.
After a period of inactivity, we decided to reactivate the old email account to stay in touch with our network.
Yes you can :). You just need to click Reactivate on the parent dashboard, then log on.
Nixon and FordEliminate Reactivate B)Truman and BarkleyEliminate Reactivate C)Kennedy and JohnsonEliminate Reactivate D)Eisenhower and Nixon
No, when you disactivate your facebook and then you reactivate it you loose absolutely nothing not even applications.
Tagalog term for cellphone: teleponong selyular;note: The word cellphone is acceptable in Tagalog conversation.
Cellphone in Tagalog is "telepono" or "cellphone" (pronounced as "selpon").
After your Reminder, Warning or ban is up you get the option Reactivate your account but you cannot click it unless you click Agree to Terms of use.
How to restore an imvu account