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Q: How do you re install trigger assembly in Remington 1100 20 gauge shotgun?
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What is the firing rate of Remington 870?

The Remington 870 is a type of shotgun which is known as "pump action". The Remington 870 requires the individual to "pump" the shotgun following each pull of the trigger. It is considered to have a slow rate of fire due to the pump action which is required.

How do you reinstall trigger in Remington 1100 12 gauge shotgun?

good quistion when ya find out let me know also

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Open the action. KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER WHILE YOU DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Timney makes a great aftermarket trigger for the Remington model 700,that will fit your Remington model 722 rifle.

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i have one with a serial of 39667 how much would it be worth

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Which cycle begins by pulling the trigger of a shotgun rearward?

Depends on the shotgun.

How do you use a shotgun?

Pull the trigger

How do you breakdown a Stevens 940a shotgun?

pull forearm off. open barrel and remove. drift 2 trigger assembly pins out. pull trigger ass. down and out. now drift the barrel catch pin and the lever and catch can be removed.