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First of all, you need to have a firm will to implement your decision to quit drugs. And you need to have people around you to help you go through that process, since it is not easy.

Your friends and family are the most important factor (besides yourself, of course). The biggest problem is a danger of a relapse.

This is something where a drug rehab center can help you; they teach you how to prevent relapses. You need to know how to utilize your time when you are not on drugs. Social and recreational activities, and expressing yourself through art or sports, are some ways of dealing with relapse problem.

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Q: How do you quit marijuana without rehab?
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What are successful drug treatments?

Depending on what the drug is and how often it was used/abused. If it's drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or meth, a rehab would be best. If it's marijuana, you can quit that tomorrow if you wanted to.

What is sex rehab?

well do the math:S sex = sex. rehab = to quit/overcome addiction sex + to quit/overcome addiction = people go there when they have sex addiction

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you just quit, unless you an alcoholic then you should go to AA meetings or rehab

Why would one participate in a marijuana rehab?

It's important to make the distinction between use and abuse. Marijuana, alike alcohol, can be used recreationally without permanent side effects on people's everyday lives and routines. People do indeed go to rehab for marijuana, the statistics for this is highly controversial in the U.S. as many adolescents will, after being arrested for possession, be either offered a spot in rehab or one in jail. Obviously, many choose the former. Marijuana is physically addictive to a degree, but most people who develop a marijuana addiction use it as means of self-medicating, and it is rarely, if ever, the physical aspect that keeps the addiction going. So to your question, yes, people do certainly go to rehab for marijuana. It is a potent intoxicant and should not be underestimated.

Did carlito quit the WWE?

no, he was fired for refusing to go to rehab

Were do you to get off marijuana?

You mean what do you do to get off marijuana? You stop and if you are weak willed seek rehab or a therapist if it has become a problem for you.

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Quit Marijuana+symptoms The Complete Guide…"How to Quit Weed withoutWithdrawals or Sleepless Nights"PLUS: Natural Marijuana DetoxNo 12 Step Program… No Stress…The Complete Guide makes use of modern methods to help you quit Quit Marijuana weed. This now famous guide has helped thousands of people Quit Marijuana +symptoms. Never spend another cent on marijuana, munchies, detox kits, rehab or overpriced therapy again. Like thousands before you, quit weed the easy way…For More Info Plz Visit:-

Are there ash trays for marijuana?

Yupp, and if u smoke marijuana u better go to rehab cus u can die

Does drug rehab really workare there published statistics?

The only way that drug rehab really works is if the person is ready to quit. The individual drug rehab facilities should publish their success rates and statistics.