See the attached Link:
Check YouTube for Marksman Repeater, I have found several that show you how to take it apart and put it back together
See the attached Link:
see the link below for the owners manual. The Marksman Repeater is a 4.5 .177 caliber pistol not a 5.5 .22 caliber pistol.
See the link below
The Marksman Repeater doesn't use a C02 Cartridge it a spring operated pistol
It hold 18 BB's. Per the Manual.
go to the link below.
No-one seem to have a diagram on the repeater but I did find this on the web. (See the link below.) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find photos of how this guy put his back togather. Photos may have to be opened via an Icon on the left of the web screen. ----------------- New Answer --------------- See the youtube video link below.
No-one seem to have a diagram on the repeater but I did find this on the web. see the link below
What condition is the pistol in? Also is it still working? These two factors determine the value.
The Repeater itself is not woth much $10 if it is in great working condition. The Marksman Moving targer may be worth more. I found one on the net for $29. It all depends on who may want to buy it.
The G10 is another variation of the Marksman repeater pistol that has been around for years. It fires a rate around 250 FPS. In the UK one can be found at (see the link below)