There are 4 different versions of the 66 Powermaster by Crosman. See the link below for all the Crosman rifle models, parts list and owners manuals
Go to and click on "Download a manual" you will find you rifle there. It will give you an exploded view of the rifle.
At this point, you need professional help.
Crosman 66 Powermaster: 100%=$80, 95%=$65, 90%=$45, 80%=$35, 60%=$20 (50%= no value) Blue book of Airguns
Go to and click on "Download a manual" you will find you rifle there. It will give you an exploded view of the rifle.
Thew old model 66 was made between 1983 to 1988. after that the model 66Rt was made from 1993 -1994 the model 66BX was made up to 2005 and the new 66 powermaster is new for 2012
I checked the Crosman web site ( and It says that some parts are still available. You part cost $4.58. Go to crosman and click on "download a manual" find the drawing for the 66 and then contact crosman customer service and see if you can order it.
You can find a parts diagram on the CROSMAN homepage. Click on "Download a manual" (at the bottom of the page ) There you will find an owners manual and parts diagram for the model 66. Parts are still available through Crosman. See the related link.
if you have 66 dollars or cents put it down if you don't take 66 steps
How about: 2*3*11 = 66
There are a total of 66 books in the bible.
They are: 2*3*11 = 66
Crosman corp has schematics and some parts available on-line through their home page. Click on the link below and when it opens, at the bottom of the page, click on "Download a manual." There you will find the information you are looking for.