That question can't be answered as asked. It depends on the brand and model. Check with the manufacturer.
It depends on the brand and model. Check with the manufacturer for an owner's manual.
Follow instructions in the owner's manual. Find a gunsmith.
You will need a gunsmith to show you.
Try your local gun smith.
For a drawing of the parts, see the link below.
not difficult to do, but tricky to re-assemble correctly. Best to find someone familar with lugers to show you how to take apart and put back together. like a gunsmith....
how do you put a .38 special back together
How do you put back together a Japanese hexagon earaser
mk3 golf tdi 1.9 how to put back together
See the link below for the Crosman version.
i need a diagram to put an amerock door lock back together
how to put back togeather 17.5 briggs engien