1. Open your phone
2. Go to messaging
3. Hit settings on the TOP LEFT of key board
4. Scroll down to SIGNATURE (13)
There you can add and change or signature.
Messaging> Settings (the left key) > Signature (#13)
by writing on its screen
Country Boy
Sharpie Marker
Its a option under Gmail
You cannot set a texting signature on the LG Neon. You can, however, make a text template and use it everytime.
go to your message settings and the last one says signature
how to get to signature on a lg encore
Go to messages, click settings, go to all messages, then go down to signature.. :)
On the LG Shine CU720 version there is not a signature option.
Go to "messaging" and click "Templates", click "signature". and click "New". and type it in! there you go! :]