I pronounce it "Buh-Ret" now. I used to pronounce it "Bare-It", but I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "Buh-Ret".
Barrett Firearms.
the 50 cal has 10 and the intervention has 5
No. The .50 AE is 33mm in length. The .50 Browning Machine Gun rounds, as used in the Barrett, are 99mm in length. Very substantial difference.
see the link below
No Some are. Which model Barret?
Just under 8000 feet.
Internet, MidWay USA, Barrett
About 14 kilogramms. It is 1.14m long.
acog definitely
180 dB is a result from the barrett M107A1 50 cal long rifle.
Barrett makes a range of .50 rifles. Assuming you're referring to the M82 (M107 in military nomenclature), it was designed in 1980.
go to airsoft GI they have one