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AUG as in auger

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

AUG is an acronym standing for Armee-Universal-Gewehr, so it's pronounced letter-by-letter just like FBI, NYPD, or USMC.

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Q: How do you pronounce AUG assault rifle?
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What is the Australian assault rifle?

The F88 Austeyr, which is a licenced production of the Steyr AUG.

When was the Aug made?

The Steyr AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) assault rifle was designed in 1977 and entered production in 1978.

Is the aug a Russian gun?

No, the AUG was not invented by Russians. The AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) assault rifle was invented by Austrian small arms manufacturer Steyr Mannlicher GmbH.

What country created the AUG?

The AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) assault rifle was invented by Austrian small arms manufacturer Steyr Mannlicher GmbH.

Who manufacturs the steyr aug?

The AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) assault rifle is manufactured in Austria by small arms maker Steyr Mannlicher GmbH.

What Company Manufactures The AUG?

The AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) assault rifle is manufactured by Austrian small arms maker Steyr Mannlicher GmbH.

Which is the best assault rifle all around the steyr Aug or the FN F2000 or a weapon i haven't mentioned?

No way to answer. You don't provide the parameters of use.

Ak 47 an assault rifle or smg?

Assault rifle.

Where can one purchase a Steyr Aug?

The bull pup assault rifle from Australia, the Steyr Aug, can be bought from any gun shop depending on where one lives in the United States. However, finding an original one may be difficult.

What assault rifle was made in the philppines?

The SOAR (Special Operations Assault Rifle).

Is the steyr AUG a machine gun?

Well, a "machine gun" is more of something that goes onto something such as Apache or any other aircraft. Its actually classified as an assault rifle.

What brand of assault rifle is better?

There are several different assault rifles - both by the true definition of an assault rifle and by the political motivated BATFE definition of a so-called "civilian assault rifle", manufactured by several different outfits. Which assault rifle did you have in mind, specifically?