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You can't. Nobody really understands why some people are gay and some are straight, but people don't change from one to the other, unless they are in the middle from the start, like bisexuals.

If you think your child is gay, then support him or her. This is your child. You can learn more about it by contacting PFLAG (see the link below) (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). If your child is gay then he or she will need your support and it would be good to show acceptance of gays long before the child knows or tells you.

This may be hard for you, especially at first. Remember it will be just as hard, and maybe more difficult, for your child. It's good to be a supportive parent.

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Q: How do you prevent your child from being gay?
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How can you cope with a gay child?

Sounds to me that you are worrying a about nothing. If your child is bullied you have to stand up for them and support them regardless of the reason they are bullied. I'm starting talking about bullying because that is the only difference I can think of there could be between a straight or gay child. Being gay does not make that child any different really, they just fall in love with someone of their own sex. All you have to do is to support them in being happy. They will probably do like everyone else in life and get married and have kids. Being gay does not prevent that. So it sounds more to me that you are having issues with the homosexuality, not the child himself.

How do you handle a young child who has some signs of being a gay?

There is nothing to handle. If the child is gay, the child is gay. Just take care of the child the same way you'd take care of a straight child.

If a gay couple were to adopt a child how will the child end up?

Since being gay is not a factor in how a child will end up, the answer is that the child will end up loved.

Why is gay adoption not child abuse?

Child abuse only exists when a child is being harmed. As long as the gay couple who wishes to adopt treats their child with love and care and respect, that child is not being abused.

Can someone prevent being gay?

No. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.

Can a child become gay from being straight?

Can a child become gay if they are straight? No. You are born gay or you are not. Some people don't realize it until later on life, but there is no "switching back and forth."

Is there any way to prevent from gay?

No. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.

Can you have your child taken away from you if you're gay?

no.. you can not everyone has a right to chose whichever type of people you like therefore you cannot get your child tooken away for being gay.

How do you co-parent with your ex-spouse when you are gay?

Well, being gay has absolutely nothing to do with being a parent. Parenting is about the child, not about you. You and your ex-spouse have to find an arrangement where you are both focusing on the child's needs and not on each other or on yourselves, in terms of your parenting.

If both your parents are gay is it possible for the child to be gay?

People are born gay so if the child is gay the parents had nothing to do with it.

How can you help a child if you are gay?

Being Gay has nothing to do with helping someone, child or adult. If you suspect the child is gay and you are not the parent, you are on very thin ice. Be a good example, answer questions if asked, but all it takes is a spooked parent to turn you into a sexual predator. It's fine to want to help, just watch your back.

What can prevent you from being a teacher?

Child abuse or pedophilia history, or any criminal record.