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How to pour the perfect Guinness Black and Tan... These are the directions for pouring from a tap, either at a pub or on a kegerator.

1. Hold your pint glass at an angle, and fill just over halfway with Bass Ale*.

2. Slow the flow control of the Draught Guinness tap down to a trickle.

3a. Fill to the top, letting the Draught Guinness hit the side of the glass...


3b. Pour Draught Guinness over an upside-down spoon to dispense the flow.

4. Let surge and settle. Enjoy!

* You can substitute Bass Ale with Smithwick's, Harp Lager, cider, etc.

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A black-and-tan is any of a group of dog breeds with black and tan colouring, or a historical term for a bar or nightclub within the United States which admitted both black and white members.

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Are there brown and tan ladybugs?

No. I don't think so, anyway. I've never seen one. There are orange and black and tan and black, but I don't think there are tan and brown.

What is the best way to make a Black and Tan, a popular beer cocktail made by layering half Guinness and half lager in a glass?

To make a Black and Tan, carefully pour half Guinness stout and half lager beer into a glass, allowing the two beers to layer on top of each other. This creates a visually appealing and delicious beer cocktail.