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You click on the seed option, then right click

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Q: How do you plant seeds in falling sand with wind?
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Can coconut seeds scattered by the wind?

Coconut's are too heavy for wind distribution. But they are capable of floating on the sea to another island. Or sprouting if falling off the tree and landing on moist sand below.

How does the honesty plant disperse its seeds?


What ways do plant seeds or spores spread about?

from the wind

How is plant movement able to occur?

seeds in the wind, or in excrement of animals who eat the seeds.

What does the wind carry from one plant to the other?

SEEDS OR SPORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are Scots pine plant seeds dispersed?

Scots pine plant seeds are primarily dispersed by the wind. The seeds are housed in a cone, and when the cones mature and open, the wind carries the seeds away from the parent tree. This mechanism allows for the seeds to be spread over a larger area and increases the chances of successful germination and growth of new trees.

Is there a flower or plant that starts with a x?

The answer is Xanthium. Its seeds are dispersed by wind.

How do plant seeds get around?

wind, animals, sometimes water or erosion

How does a plant use its surroundings to make sure that it can spread its seeds?

by dispersing it seeds around so the wind can carry it , also animals who eat the plant excrete (poo) the seeds out.

How far do dandelion seeds fly?

That depends on the amount and intensity of the wind in your area. If you live in a place with no wind, expect to see the seeds just falling to the ground. However, in a hurricane you may find seeds miles away.

What can help spread plant seeds?

Bees, birds, bats, wind, etc.

Is it true that wind itself cause much erosion?

yes, wind can blow seeds, sand, leaves, rocks, etc from one location to another (depending on how powerful the wind is)