remind her of all your great qualities and the other guys' bad qualities
Dump him and get a guy that is normal.
There is no limit to how many and how much you can love, but most people are jealous, so they want you all to themselves. They will probably dump you if they find out.
I would give her advice on to dump him and on how to dump him so he doesn't feel as hurt.
Yes, but a hispanic girl would not date a Korean guy.
Same thing with a girlfriend you date the other persontill you find something wrong in him/her or you could just dump him/her and and wait a week then just ask the other guy or girl you like out.
No, Justin and Selena are still dating and Justin would never date a guy
dump him and find someone who will treat you right
Dump the girl. If she is in love with another guy then she doesn't deserve you. Don't waste your time on some one who does not love you.
dump him why should he have to chose hes a player
=I am a girl, so speaking for most girls I say "yes" a girl would date a handicapped guy! Definetly!! ~Courtney=
a guy that likes another girl and want to dump u
you mean that she is already dating someone but she admits that she loves you but is afraid to trust you and dump the other guy? well then if the girl really loves you she would trust you. Tell her that. If she can't dump the guy then move on, she's not worth it. You don't want to cheat on another guy with his doesn't normally end well......