you don't. you get it done professionally. There are certain ones to get by a piercer tongue, nipple, nose, lip and belly button. Mainly because they are high risk areas for infection. If your underage find a place that doesn't card or wait till your old enough.
WikiAnswers is not a venue to provide how to information that can lead to serious personal injury.
For health and safety reasons, you don't.
16 with you parent, alone you have to be 18
suck his own nipple
Douglas Peirce's birth name is Douglas Victor Peirce.
Flick your own nipple and wait 6 seconds, or stand in front of a freezer. Or, Google it.
Ernest Peirce was born in 1909.
Joseph Peirce died in 1812.
Joseph Peirce was born in 1748.
Alzira Peirce was born in 1908.
Alzira Peirce died in 2010.