Top or action has a dove tail to hold rings. If your rifle has no dove tail it may need scope bases, I am almost positive that all 66's had dovetail tops.
You can but the receiver flexes and it is difficult for the scope to stay in adjustment.
The scope mount for the Remington Model 750 is regularly sold at
Yes, you can mount a scope on a Remington 582 .22 cal. rifle. You will probably need to take off the plastic rear sight. And more than likely you will need high bases if you put on a 1" diameter scope.
Check the scope mount makers web sites or call Remington.
In 1938, Remington began offering that scope on the Model 341 rifle. When you bought it WITH the rifle, it was $8.25.
100-400 or so
1. Sun Optics USA scope mount for Baikal MP 153. 2. B-Square scope mount for Baikal MP 153.
50's or so
what is the value of a 760 Remington gamemaster 30/06 with a maverick 3-9 scope. How old is this rifle?
It all depends on what you are doing.