Doing so legally requires you to replace enough parts with US-made parts so that it is no longer considered an imported firearm (more than 10 imported parts according to the BATFE breakdown sheet). For what this would cost, you'd be better off just to buy an AK.
As originally designed, no. There were two models of the SKS made in China that were made to use AK type magazines, but most SKS carbines are meant to use a fixed 10 round magazine. Many people have attempted to modify an SKS to accept Ak magazines, with indifferent success. It requires reworking wood and metal.
The D and M models accept AK47 magazines whereas the standard sks has an integral magazine.
None were made for the fixed magazine models. Only the detachable mag SKS-M and SKS-D can accept the detachable AK drums. Good luck trying to find one now..... but if you're going to try, gun shows would be your best bet. ***WRONG*** Answer someone posted above is way wrong! SKS drum magazines were made and are still made... Typical duckbill style to replace the original 10 round box magazine! -Vic
Generally, no- and it is difficult to get detachable mags to feed correctly. Although you did not ask for advice, I will offer some- don't do it.
All of the fixed ten round mags are cross compatible, but cannot be used in the SKS-M or SKS-D, both of which use a detachable AK magazine.
No mods are needed to take the other mags,just tear the rifle down,when you do this the stock 10 round mag will fall out! then put it back together and your new mag will fit but, keep in mind the sks is not made to have detach mag!
If you're looking for clips to feed rounds into the magazine, Cheaper Than Dirt, AIM Surplus, and J&G Sales should all have them (see corresponding related links). If you want a magazine (which is often mistakenly referred to as a clip), you can find aftermarket magazines (including higher capacity magazines) at those sites, as well - on a side note, I'd recommend you avoid the Tapco brand magazines. If you're looking for original factory magazines, E-Gunparts (again, see corresponding related link) would probably be your best bet. Bear in mind that the SKS was manufactured in several countries, and the only magazines which wouldn't fit a Chinese SKS are the Albanian ones. China also manufactures one type of SKS which uses detachable magazines, rather than the fixed magazines - these typically use AK magazines.
The Chinese manufactured several variants of the SKS. Depending on specifics, you may looking at anywhere from $200 - $600+. Paratrooper models and the detachable magazine SKS-M and SKS-D fetch much higher prices than a standard Type 56 carbine.
In the vicinity of $200 for a basic Type 56 carbine, up to $500 - $600 for some of the more 'exotic' models, like the paratrooper carbine, and detachable magazine SKS D and SKS M rifles.
Are you talking about the clip to load rounds into the magazine, or the magazine itself? It is a magazine, not a clip.. In regards to the clip, the answer will be yes. In regards to the magazine, the answer is no - the SKS-M uses a detachable AK magazine.
Depends which type. The Chinese Type 56 used a similar permanently fixed bayonet, but the SKS bayonet couldn't be mounted on an AK variant which uses a detachable bayonet.