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The feeling someone else's touch is specific and can only be obtained by someone else touching you.

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Q: How do you make yourself feel like someone is touching your breasts?
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Why does touching yourself feel good?

it just does

How do you feel up your girlfriend when making out because I know how to get to the touching her breasts bit but after that do you just squeeze them or something?

Just cup a feel...

Why when you tickle yourself you can't feel it but when someone else tickles you you can feel it?

It's almost like a mind thing. Even if you know someone is going to tickle you your nerves get suprised when someone else touches you. But if you tickle yourself your body is already touching its own nerves so its not surprised. (Sorry for all of my non grammatically ccorrect uses of its/it's). But all in all who knows? ITS JUST SCIENCE.

How do you feel yourself up?

You do that by simply feeling one-selves breasts it may not give any pleasure, but that is how to do it. -Mr. Love Guy

Does calling someone a loser make you feel better about yourself?

No, only if you are insecure about yourself and/or you are a bully.

What does it mean when your nipple has a rip?

OH My Gosh! Breast Tenderness is A PAIN! The feeling is just pain altogether, when you touch your nipples or your breasts, you have this sore feeling, and it just hurts. I get mine a week before my period, and you know you have it, just by squeezing your breasts, or even touching them and you feel pain.

How do tell when your in love with someone?

it when you can be yourself and they like you for who you are and when you just feel reallyy happy

Why can you feel it when someone is touching your hair?

Hair follicles are surrounded by nerve endings that can detect even the slightest touch or movement. When someone touches your hair, these nerve endings send signals to your brain, leading to the sensation of someone touching your hair.

What do you say when you tell someone you like them and not make yourself feel stupid?

Talk To Them Find Out How They Feel First! Be Confident But Be Urself!

Is touching really touching?

no,the Adams in your body repel against the Adams in the item your are "touching" and that's what you feel

How do you feel your breasts?

Just touch them

How do you get a man to fall for you?

You cannot force someone to feel something they don't but all you can do is be yourself.