Respect, support, care, etc.. Do her favors, ask her out to special dates, etc..
"You make me feel like a Princess" in Polish is "Sprawiasz, że czuję się jak księżniczka".
.... Well see when she said she doesn't love you anymore, it means the relationship is effectively over but she would like to maintain a civil and decent friendship, nothing more, look at this situation, learn from it and then move on. Cheers
First off,, be sweet. No one likes a mean partner. Buy her gifts, like flowers, etc. Something thoughtfull. Do little sweet things like open her door and make her feel like a princess but dont do everything for her -Good Luck!
Well it really depends on how old you are. If they all have a girlfriend maybe they feel like you feel left out and they want you to have a girlfriend because they think it'll make you stronger and believe in yourself.
Well you see my friend, you need to treat her special and make her feel like shes the only girl in the world.
Make your girlfriend feel special but only if you love her in want her for her not for any other reason.
buy her a dildo and use it on her
Wedding is like a dream day where you are treated like a princess and feel special. Wedding dress plays an important role in all this. So. for me wearing a wedding dress is like a dream come true.
Go out with another girl in front of her.
If you guys are really good friends you have to make her feel more like shes your girlfriend than a friend or else she'll think it would be to much of a change if she broke up with her bf 4 u. So make her feel special and after a while tell her how you feel.
be good to her do something u like then something she likes then do something u both enjoy o and make her laugh do something to make her feel special
Fake like your going out with another girl then your ex would want you back.