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spray him in the eye w/ pepper spray! or tell him to shut up or else it is over

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Q: How do you make your boyfriend less clingy?
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How can you make your boyfriend less clingy?

simpily tell him.or say I'm busy when your not.

Will sex make you more or less clingy?

it depends if your other half is good or bad if they are then u will be more clingy because u will fall for them more if they are not then less clingy because u will probably get fed up with them <3

How to be a better girlfriend to your boyfriend?

Don't be too clingy.

Does sex make you less clingy?

Most women and men grow more attached to some one after they had sex with them. Soo the answer is no, it makes you more clingy.

You are in love with this guy but he thinks your annoying and clingy what do you do?

try to be less annoying and clingy

How do you live with a clingy boyfriend?

I wish I could answer that. I'm having the same problem. but trust me you need to break up with him i'm engaged to a clingy guy and trust me you don't need someone clingy.

How can you tell that your boyfriend has been thinking about you?

ask him but dont appear to be clingy or desperate

Are you being too clingy after seeing your boyfriend all day and cry when he leaves?

Yes, Yes you are

How do you show your boyfriend you love him?

hmmmm what i'd do is not tell him unless he tells you because it could be seen as clingy.

How can you make your boyfriend to break up with you?

Constantley text and/or call him and obsess over him. Find out what gets him ticked and then do it. If he doesn't like clingy people, act dependent on him and never leave his side. If he likes clingy people, do the opposite. If he had past girlfriends, try to find out why he dumped them. This will help you find out what you should do.

If I know my boyfriend loves me but he isn't close should I tell him I want him to be more clingy?

No way dont it will make him feel weird just keeo asking to do stuff with you and you will becime closer.

How do you make a girl clingy?

you peace guy her