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Go to the menu in music, settings, repeat, then shuffle.

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Q: How do you make the eclipse 180 mp3 player shuffle your music?
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How can you use iPod shuffle on same computer with an iPod touch?

All you have to do is make your iPod shuffle only sync music instead of everything that your itouch is syncing.

How do you make your iPod shuffle not shuffle?

there is a switch on the top that you can slide back and forth to make it not shuffle.

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The switch on the top has three modes for the iPod: Off, play in order, and shuffle. The center of the switch is to play your music library in order.

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go in playlist option then click on repeat and shuffle whatever u want

How do you unshuffle your iPhone?

There is a little switch by the on and off switch.... to the left. There are two arrows and the ones that cross and then go the same way is NO Shuffle. But the other one is to MAKE it shuffle.... Hope I helped! LoL! <3-Sodus Chicka!

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Solar eclipse can make you blind, but the lunar eclipse won't.

How to add autoplay music on Tumblr?

get an scm music player and make sure you pick autoplay

How do you shuffle to party rock anthem?

There is a video orientation on You tube teaching you how to shuffle to it. If you cant do that... then make up your own shuffle! My opinion is to watch steeveaustin party rock anthem dance tutorial on youtube.

Are they going to make a movie for eclipse?

Yes there is a Eclipse movie.

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During the 1985 season.

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A Solar Eclipse.

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Because Compulsory Escape Device says both players have to shuffle one monster into deck, it can't be activated unless both players can do this. If it was correctly activated and something happened in chain to it to make one player control no monsters, that is different. In that case only the player who has a monster will shuffle one into deck.