you can use text me +
No, you don't have to. Only if you want to make calls on it you can.
Yes, using RingCental your ipod touch mobile can be VoIP SIP phone. You only need to connect to internet and use ringcentral soft phone to make voip calls.
An Ipod touch is an Ipod with a touch screen and lots of apps. The Iphone also has a touch screen and lots of apps, but is slightly thicker and is a mobile phone and can make and receive calls texts, etc. Basically, the Ipod touch is an Iphone without the phone bit.
I'm pretty sure iPods can't make any calls. You need a phone of some sort.
No, an iphone is a cell phone that has speakers and you can text on and make phone calls. An ipod touch is an ipod. It is meant for listening to music but, most people who own an ipod touch mostly play games on it. But, an ipod touch you can download apps that you can text people on but the 2g ipod touch it doesn't have speakers. So, if you have an ipod touch you can't download an app that makes free calls because ipod touchs don't have speakers. But, iphone can do alot more than ipod touchs.
You cannot turn an iPod Touch into a phone and make it receive phone signals. The iPod Touch does not have the hardware and software capabilties to do so.
u cant make calls on the ipod touch u are thinking about the iphone the ipod touch isn't built for calling. hope that helps!
You can't. iPod Touch cannot get phone services
...... your ipod touch is a mediaplayer.... not a phone. You can however use some limited functioning VoiP, but its usless if it only goes one way. And custom firmware is needed. use google its your best friend on the net.......