well im 15 years old and i use fake cigarates because of stress i lost my mother 2 month ago and thats the reason i use fake cigarates it makes me forget about my problems!any way i use normal paper and i put green tea leaves inside the cigarates so i think it wont hurt you or make you adicted li8ke real ones
Certainly he smoke cigarettes but u can also seen him smoking cigars in some occasions .
y do u wanna luk old wen u can smoke and die young
No more so than cigarettes or other tobacco products .
yes it will just slow u down though
Yes he smokes... Man, get a life... What the hell u have to do with that. I am sure he buys his own cigarettes
U get a real inhalor
u don't it's fake!
well...depends how long after, if u smoked and had time to shower or if u smoke cigarettes(eckk!) they may not notice, or go stand by a fire haha
eat ice cream when u smoke.
don't smoke is bad for u if u do it before u go to bed the chanches of u going to die is 98/100 so if u smoke u might as will go see a hypnotizes so go on head if u do smoke ps. people that smoke rember this cigeres r made of worms p.p.s smokeing is for chumps
um wot do u think oh yeah you are thicko anyway so you don't have a brain instead a woodlouse poo replacing it
a smoke free home means no smoke in the house. TRY preventing second hand smoke, and if u do smoke in the house try not to and try to do it outside. make sure u have a fire escape plan and try to prevent fires.