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<strong style="color: red;">Red Bold</strong>

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Q: How do you make bold a different color in HTML?
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How do you make bold letters in HTML?

Use Bold tag &lt;b&gt; Eg: &lt;b&gt; text &lt;/b&gt;

What are HTML translators?

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

How will you make certain piece of text bold-faced in HTML?

For HTML, the code would be &lt;b&gt;(insert word here without parenthases)&lt;/b&gt;

What are translators?

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

How do you make the words different colors on MySpace?

it's a simple HTML tag. for orange, you would do &lt;font color=orange&gt;text here&lt;/font color=orange&gt; it works for basically any color. if you want to get really specific about it, use xhtml, which is advanced HTML, and you can put it the exact id of the color.

How do people make their letters look different on MySpace?

to make the letters bold &lt;b&gt; to make the letters small &lt;small&gt; to make the letters big &lt;big&gt; or &lt;font size=#&gt; to make the letters a color &lt;font color=red,green,ect&gt; to stop making the letters bold &lt;/b&gt;after any word or sentence ect. to stop making the letters small &lt;/small&gt; to stop making the letters a color &lt;/font color=red,green,ect&gt; to underline &lt;u&gt;

The purpose of the b tag in HTML?

The tag is used to make bold text.Example: Hello World!Will result in: Hello World!

What is the code for bold in HTML?

Technically speaking, the HTML code to guarantee that text will be bold is the bold-faced tag: &lt;b&gt;Bold Text Here&lt;/b&gt; The bold-faced tag is available in HTML 4 and 5, but was deprecated in XHTML. The tag isn't semantic. If you want a more semantic solution (or if you're in XHTML) you'll want to use the &lt;strong&gt; tag. It works exactly the same way, and most browsers display &lt;strong&gt;Text&lt;/strong&gt; as bold by default. However, to ensure that the strong tag remains bold, you also have to add a definition to your CSS. strong {font-weight: bold;}

HOW will you make certain piece of text bold- faced in HTML?

Use &lt;b&gt;Your Text Here&lt;/b&gt; OR &lt;strong&gt;Your text here&lt;/strong&gt;

How can a paint get its color?

well paint gets color because we see it when we see thruogh light which is really a rainbow it reflects different colors to your eye . paint is chemicals and acids mixed to make a bold bright color ! paint is wonderfull to have!!! great q!!!!

What is tag in HTML?

when you are making a web page you make a HTML tag so when you convert it to a web browser it isn't just blank. it is a piece of the code that your browser decodes into the page you see. this is an HTML tag &lt;HTML&gt; and it tells the browser that this is an HTML page. for everything you see on a web page, there is a special HTML tag for it.

How a can of paint gets its color?

well paint gets color because we see it when we see thruogh light which is really a rainbow it reflects different colors to your eye . paint is chemicals and acids mixed to make a bold bright color ! paint is wonderfull to have!!! great q!!!!