To make a video on your Kindle Fire HD, firstly get the "HD camera (Kindle Fire tablet edition)" app on your Kindle. Use the camcorder on the app to record your video. To publish the video onto YouTube, go to the Silk Browser on your Kindle. Go to YouTube and request Desktop view so that you can login to your account and upload your video. Press upload at the top of the YouTube home page and upload from Personal Videos. Then title and write a description for your video while you wait for it to upload.
TIP: To achieve more video views, mention and link you video on Facebook and Twitter to all your friends.
To make a video on your Kindle Fire HD, firstly get the "HD camera (Kindle Fire tablet edition)" app on your Kindle. Use the camcorder on the app to record your video. To watch your video, press the back button and go to Personal Videos on the app.
To make a video on your Kindle Fire HD, firstly get the "HD camera (Kindle Fire tablet edition)" app on your Kindle. Use the camcorder on the app to record your video. To watch your video, press the back button and go to Personal Videos on the app.
sorry butt no
You have to look on YouTube for a video
Kindle fire
If you want to make a video and give it to another Youtube user, you will have to send it to them manually, preferably by email.
yes, just buy movies on through your kindle just make sure its kindle fire compatible, if you have an HDMI cable you can also hook it into your kindle and TV and watch the movie on your TV through your kindle.
Yes u can
Connect your camera or phone to the computer and download the video on youtube
so guys the best way to advertise on youtube on a video is to make more video on the same product.
on youtube