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Go to Electronics then click metal

make a big circle then PAUSE

fill it with any of these radioactive chemicals





Then hollow out the middle and add a circle of thdr (explosives)

WAIT then it will explode

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Q: How do you make a nuclear bomb in powder toy?
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How do you make the powder toy physics game full screen?

When you open it go to the very bottom of the window next to sign in is simulation options click that. next check off fullscreen

How do you make pressure on the powder toy?

To apply pressure in The Powder Toy, you can use the elements like steam or gas to exert force on other materials. By increasing the density or expanding the volume of these elements in a closed space, you can create pressure that will affect the surrounding materials. Experiment with adjusting the temperature, pressure, and volume of gases to achieve different effects.

Do you say mechanical energy is produced in a toy car why?

Mechanical energy is not produced in a toy car. Instead, the toy car converts potential energy (stored energy) into kinetic energy (energy of motion) as it moves. The mechanical energy in the toy car comes from the energy used to make it move, not from being produced within the toy itself.

How do you produce electricity to power a toy car?

You can power a toy car by using batteries or rechargeable battery packs. The batteries supply electrical energy to the electric motor in the toy car, which then converts the energy into motion to make the car move.

How do you make a self propelled toy car?

To make a self-propelled toy car, you can use a small electric motor attached to the wheels. Connect the motor to a power source, such as a battery, and use a switch to control the movement. You can also customize the design with additional features like a chassis, body, and wheels for a functional and fun toy car.