i don't know? u tell me i want to know it. maybe you have too :# maybe
Ok, I'm a diff person, the kiss face is :-* on ourworld, hope this helps!
This is how you make a kiss face: :-*
you do this to make big eye face 8-) tahdah it works
You Cant Make Out on ourworld .
If you mean the little pixel smiley face, then you must be a volunteer for Ourworld.
Use this :*
Well, you can make a 'kiss' face by typing :* in Facebook chat.
You and your girl will make eye contact and your girl will make a face and then you will know. If she doesn't make the face and you try to kiss her you can pretend like you lost your balence.
Walk right up and kiss them in the face.
First they will rub on you all softly and make you horny.Then he will move yall together and yall will look face in face then yall will kiss
The blowing kiss is very easy to make on a keyboard with a computer or even a smartphone. The blowing is made like this {*<>*}.
:-* that looks like someone laughing, but its the closest thing
:P = cheeky face XO= angry face :@ or :) = happy face :D or XD = very happy face :I or : |= normal face :*( or :'( = crying :(= sad face :_* = sobbing :S= grossed out :-* = kissy face