Well technically you can't MAKE a girl become obsessed with you, but I guess if you want some ways to try and catch her interest, here are some things I think personally would make me interested in a guy...
-good style. this doesn't necessarily mean go out and spend a ton of money on label brand clothes or anything like that, but at least attempt to look nice. shower often, wear deoderant and maybe a little cologne (don't overpower though-we hate that!).
-personality: BE YOURSELF. i know it seems obvious but this is crucial in getting the girl to like you in the long run. she'll see right through any phony act! Also attempt to make conversation with her as often as possible. Make her laugh, flirt a little, and do chivalrous things for her (i.e. opening doors for her, carrying her books--classic, i know.).
And that's about as much as you can do! After you make the first move, just wait to see how she reacts before going any further!
i have a simple equation you could use to remember all this: dress to impress+personality+grooming=lots of girls. ;)
People are obsessed with space, moons, stars, the universe, etc. because they love Science. Humans are naturally curious creatures, it's in our biology. The Universe is something that we have not fully understood and probably never will. Thus people will forever being fascinated by the stars and space because we know so very little about it.
It will expand and become a red giant
Demeter is a girl. Demeter was a Greek goddess of agriculture.
because hospital is last place where god give a new life to patient so that's why sing of moon become to named hospital
There is no "simple'' way to make a girl obsessed with you. If it was meant to be it was meant to be. There are no potions or whatever.
Yes, many people is obsessed with sex
A girl obsessed with The Hardys (and,or) somewone Married to a Hardy.. =)
She Stole the Heart
By being OBSESSED with glee
By losing perspective.
it either means that the girl is obsessed with him or the girl is just plain wierd
if they hate the girl, then yeah. but if they are obsessed with the girl, they will be extremely happy
no, if your a girl, it will make him horny.
She is obsessed with doing hair!!
become obsessed with him, that will turn him on