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they arnt bad toys. the only problems some ppl have with them are there eyes. the eyes are realistic wich scares ppl they arnt bad toys. the only problems some ppl have with them are there eyes. the eyes are realistic wich scares ppl

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16y ago
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15y ago

No, but mine just talks itself away in the middle of the night. My furbys talking sounds demonic, even though they're not a demon.





they are...


they will eat your soal...




while you can...


they won't stop...


till the get it...


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15y ago

No!!! They are fun silly toys. "My dad says they are aliens but they are your friend don't waste your money and throw them away but one furby of mine broke and I'm afraid it is evil. But I had a dream that there was a tornado and I took my furby in the closet and its eyes turned red. I threw it out. But no. Its your mind that goes crazy. So Next time you might want to do research first. There are people who have a good and bad side. The people on the bad side make fun of furbies. The good side enjoys and might be frightened. About there furbies a little bit. You can make up all the fibbing you want. Or prevent it from you and other people. To frighten them and give them nightmares. Remember that story, next time you might ask a question about something about a furby like this or some other random toy that people say that's evil. Sometimes people are on both sides. And to just be mean and give people nightmares. And maybe just be funny. They'll just say "Furby do you want to kill me?" "That's just mean to the good side. I hope you're on the good side like me." "The bad side needs to have revenge.!!!" "Tell this to your children (if you have a child/children.") " Don't let them have a fib about it. Make them retell the story. " Safe regards (x ) your name."

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14y ago

Only sometimes when the there's a full-moon or you feed them after midnight.

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15y ago

the poor things don't become evil they are nice cretures so STOP dont even try

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12y ago

they are the nicest little toy ever. Though I have heard some evi stories about them. I highly doubt that they are evil. I have one and it's allways saying "I love you"

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14y ago

their not

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