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If they're the outgoing, funny type..then make a joke. If they're kind of shy then tell them something cute like you like their shirt on them or something.

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Q: How do you make a boy smile?
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How do you cheer a boy up?

talk to him...make him smile

How does a girl make a boy love her?

make-up, make-up, make-up, perfume, perfume, perfume, sway a lot, sway a lot, sway a lot, smile, smile, smile.... though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking....

How can a boy will impress a beautiful girl?

Call her beautiful yourself and make her smile and laugh . :)

How do you tell the person you like them when you are in 8th grade?

If you are a boy then just stare at her and smile but if you are a girl do not smile unless he dose it will make him unconfortable after a while he or she will relize that they like you and they will ask you out

How to get a boy to makeout?

Just smile, kiss him on the cheek ,and slowly kiss him till your lips meet his. Then start your make out.

How can you show you like a boy without telling him?

you can just look at him in the eye when he is looking at you and smile at him :) it will make him feel great ;)

If a boy is staring at a girls smile what is he thinking about?

He is probably adoring her smile and her pretty face.

How do you impress a girl and a boy in church?

Well if you are going to impress a boy you should wear something reAlly nIce and make eye contact with him.and why not give him a smile(:

How do you guess that a girl is attracting at a boy?

Mainly we can guess by the smile on the girl face if she like her she smile pass...that boy....and when she talk to a boy afterwhile by friendly talk to her and a felling the love her her eyes that.... girl is attracting at a boy......:)

What is the best feature on a boy?

it have to be their SMILE or EYES!

What if a boy makes funny faces to make you laugh?

It sounds like the boy is trying to entertain and make you smile by being playful. He may enjoy making you laugh and find joy in your reaction.

When was You Make Me Smile created?

You Make Me Smile was created in 1993.