1) Go to youtube.com.
2) Type How to make a Patrick Hates video.
3) Click on it.
Patrick Stump hates barbeque sauce.
Just as much as he hates SpongeBob.
C.C. Sheffield is in "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been".
Squidward hates Patric because he thinks he's annoying.
Because he hates living next to Spongebob and Patrick, and he only has 6 tentacles.
Benson hates mordecai and rigby because, they always slack off from their jobs and always play video games!
Megan fox is a sex robot
Yep!! He's in the Bounce video...he has on a silver wig.
Patrick Star. (And Squidward Tentacles, but Spongebob just thinks that, Squidward really hates him)
Yes, every day Spongebob always goes out with Patrick and annoys Squidward, although, Squidward hates leaving the comfort of his home.
Kanye West hates Taylor Swifts video clip of You Belong With Me!