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People are genetically predispositioned to carry weight in certain places which makes "spot reduction" difficult (barring surgery, which is ridiculous because it's dangerous and will be undone as soon as you eat normally). With proper diet and consistent exercise, you can lose weight in general which will help. You can also try exercises that target your thighs and therefore firm the muscles in them, which helps them appear "slimmer" because more muscle makes them less jiggly, as they say.

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Q: How do you lose weight off your theighs?
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It is usually safe to lose weight rapidly, but it is not always effective over the long term. To lose weight and keep it off, follow an exercise program and sensible diet.

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it usually makes them leaner. weight lifting builds muscle. running or jogging is an endurance exercise or cardio.

How do you lose weight in your theighs if you are 13?

You can't lose weight in certain spots! You can only reduce your body fat for your whole body. So just don't eat junk food and you'll naturally lose weight. Eat until you're full, but eat natural low-fat stuff high-fiber like fruit, grains, beans. Hard if you can't cook for yourself or everyone else around you eats horribly. Try running. You have to exercise a ridiculous amount to lose weight though, but that's why I recommed doing something long term and easier to handle like eating healthy.

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children can lose weight off their stomach by doing 50-100 sit ups every day for about 2 weeks you will be able to see the difference

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Yes some do. Some, Depending on what you use will keep the water weight off for ever. You can also lose many inches off your body

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Lay off the fatty foods

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cut off your hair

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Get off the computer and go run!

Does cocaine help you lose weight?

It does as it puts u off food.

My girlfriend has very big hips and theighs and legs How can you help her lose weight in these areas and to talk to her abuot it in a kind way?

Well, you could start going on exercise dates, such as jogs, bike rides or hikes, if you make this a "daily" routine, your girlfriend will start to lose weight. Also, other than that, if it bothers you that much, that means she is pretty overweight, and your girlfriend probably already knows from the doctor so just leave her alone.

Are there any healthy diet plans to lose weight that also help you keep the weight off?

It seems to me you don't need another diet plan as you have demonstrated you can lose weight when you have to. You might want to see a counselor first to find out why you are unable to keep the weight off permanently.