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No matter how much you exercise, you can not lose fat in one area of ​​your body alone. You have to lose weight in general in order to lose fat from the hip. The other important fact to know is that if you exercise regularly, if you do not eat properly, you will not lose weight. With that said, let's see some weight loss tips that will help. If you follow these steps, you will see weight loss and fat from the hips begin to disappear, too.

Step One: Adjust your diet

Your diet should contain fruits, vegetables, meat / fish / poultry, dairy products, bread / rice / pasta, and fat. Those are the basic food groups, and you need to make sure you have each of these food groups in your diet. To lose fat, you must have the same amount of lean protein and complex carbohydrates (whole grains). Make sure you eat fruits and vegetables daily. These are high in fiber and help your fat loss.

Try to eat less processed foods. The closer the food you eat is to its original and natural, the better for you. Fresh fruit instead of canned vegetables are best. Fresh meat instead of processed meats are better too.

Step two: Be more active

If you are going to lose fat from the hips, it is important to exercise, or the plan will not work. Make an effort to sit less and move around more. Spend more time sitting rather than stand up and instead of sitting in (small scale) will increase your metabolism. You also need to move your body more.

Training the entire body. If you want to lose the fat in the hip can exercise your hips and buttocks. Losing muscle weight burns throughout the body. Exercise your arms and abdominal muscles and legs. You can do exercises that isolate muscles like crunches and bicep curls, or you can do exercises that work the entire body at once, such as swimming. The amount of exercise you do has to be proportional to the amount of calories you take. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume.

Step Three: Modify your diet and exercise plan to accommodate changes in weight

When you start to lose weight, you may need to eat less and exercise even more to lose the remaining weight. If your body gets used to your diet and exercise routine, you stop losing weight. If you have not yet reached their ideal weight, make some adjustments. You may also need to do this at first to start losing weight if you do not lose at least one pound a week.

Step four: Stay consistent

Consistency is important in weight loss. If you only eat it once in a while or just the exercise here and there, you will not see the results. Having a good day or two and then binging and not exercising for four days at a time will get you where you want to go.

Losing weight, especially several pounds, requires persistence. Even if you do not see results at first, keep at it. Try a little more and you begin to see changes and feel better. Giving up will not get you closer to losing fat from hips and reach your goal. Only the determination to get rid of the fat has been established in the course of disposing of it. Do not quit.

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Q: How do you lose weight of the hips?
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Short of liposuction there is no way to target where to lose weight, it's like trying to empty only the left side of a glass. Pick a sensible diet plan and stick with it, and as you lose weight all over youy will lose some from hips and thighs.

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It took a while to build up the weight, it's going to take a while to remove it.

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doing sit ups will tone up your stomach... if you want to lose the weight try running and things like that... Hope this helped

How do you get a slim and thin waist with wide hips and a firm butt within 2 months without losing that much weight?

You cannot do "spot weight loss." That is, you cannot lose weight at your stomach by exercising your stomach. You cannot lose leg fat by exercising your legs. You can only "lose weight." However, not all women are the same. Different women carry weight different ways. Some women tend to have more fat on their hips, stomach, back, breasts, and so on. So, when you lose weight, you will tend to lose fat more in some places than other places, but this cannot be controlled. If you want larger hips and a smaller waist, you simply have to lose weight, and see if you keep some fat at your waist. If not, then your body type won't allow it.

Why is it advisable to lose weight?

Reduces the stress on: Heart Joints (knees, feet, hips, backbone, ankle) Lungs

How can you lose weight from your hips?

an hour of jogging/swimming and going up and down some stairs everyday should help

How do you lose weight in your hips and thighs if you are disabled?

Consume fewer calories and, of possible, perform low impact exercises such as swimming.

She is 13 years old and is 115 pounds and shes 4 foot 12 she are fit and eat healthy she hasbroad shoulders and hips How can she lose weight?

She doesn't need to lose weight. My daughter weighs more than that. Her weight is just fine. Don't worry about it. Have her exercise more if you really want her to lose weight.